Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Homemade Soup Recipes

Appeals for the extension of tax deductions 55% energy saving

I think the energy savings and reduction of pollutant emissions , also derived from energy consumption of our homes, is a very important topic. First, because this would allow us to live in a better world more breathable greener cleaner . With all the dirt intolerance and violence malfidenza you see and feel every day, we should at least work hard to clean the air we breathe. In addition, upheaval the bill very importantly to do lobbying and cartel of energy companies.

I prefer a row of piers with blades that turn moved by the wind on a mountain or in the sea, going to see in northern Europe if disfigure the skyline (Galan, have sold and disfigured sq km of Veneto - at a safe distance from the land of your home - the manufacturers and you broke the Maronites of the pylons for the first time worrying about the view? Fuck you! Since when you're an environmentalist?), a nuclear chimney even if it was 300 km from my house!
Certainly, however, or that dreamer wants to build a home eco-friendly and self in terms of energy must take into account a great expense, because if you really want to create a passive house is must integrate several systems, including photovoltaic, solar, geothermal and recycling of rainwater.
Mica small thing really.
our government to encourage the development and dissemination of these facilities through the 2007 Budget introduced a tax deduction of 55% (in 5 years. ..) for interventions to improve the efficiency Italian energy efficiency of buildings. This deduction was also reinstated for 2010, with some difficulty because of the easy ostracism and lobby signs and I guess even the opposition of some politicians who could not see any advantage, whereas there were too many for the people, sovereign , who sent him to Rome with their votes.
This incentive has led to an annual average of about 200 000 requests for deductions, has attained a benefit in terms of saved energy (about 4500 GW ) and CO2 not emitted and some positive impact from the economic point of view. The discount of 55% was frowned also from other European countries so that Italy has proved, for once, at the forefront in the EU.
Ciancio bands (I know, I know, is a license that I take even the Accounting III, along with many other such ...) and to the controversy, the deduction of 55% expires December 31 2010.

would really be a problem if it were not extended, for the Italians and companies in the sector, because this deduction is double important advantage: one for citizens who want to exploit the energy clean, renewable free and democratic; 2 for all those companies that build and / or provide these facilities.
Politicians have to make do with eating less: it is the job of minister for productive activities find the necessary funds for the extension.
With the new parameters
Now that hath been decided to name one after hundreds of days of vacation, a group of bloggers has promoted an initiative to raise awareness of those responsible for achieving this goal.
I copy and paste the text below the email I received and then the text of the appeal the new minister for productive activities, Paolo Romani, while this link you can visit their website and find many useful information.
And let it run!

If a wind generator could capture the power of the wind blowing in favor of saving energy would have the blades at the most. Only last Friday a small but well-seasoned group of bloggers have created the site to collect adhesions around an appeal the neo-Roman Minister of Economic Development. At the center of your request there are deductions introduced by another Minister of Economic Development, Bersani, which allow you to "discount" more than half of the costs incurred by citizens for work to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. The measure has, over the years, to give a stimulus to the economy of the sector, much work has led to the emergence of black and, especially, has enabled our country to make a small step in the way of saving energy means less oil burned, less atom split, less dams in the mountains.

This could end up pulled out of the window as the old plates at the stroke of midnight on December 31, 2010.

55 brave bloggers and more than 350 people have however proposed to act as motivation for asking the minister responsible for government to act quickly to extend the initiative. To participate in just go to sign the letter and join the chain in your blog or website.

The Minister for Productive Activities
Paolo Romani
pc and the President of the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi
The tax deduction of 55% for interventions to improve the energy efficiency of buildings is in Italian expire on December 31.
from several quarters, and for some time, have followed the calls and invitations to the Government for an extension of tax relief: the first category associations in the sector, then the mayors and Regions, Finally, the Environment and Transportation Committees of the House . Even on the Internet has started a long time to mobilize for the confirmation of 55%. More recently, the Government, through the words of Secretary Economy and Finance, Luigi Casero, has recognized measure the goodness of this incentive, however - according to data released by the Federation of Industries, Products, systems and services for construction - in 4 years has allowed for an overall return the country system of almost € 4 billion higher than the figure does not forfeited by the State.
It is a measure that made it possible for Italian citizens to carry out, often very expensive, upgrading the energy efficiency of their homes, thus contributing not only to avoid tons and tons of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, but also to decrease their bills and save our country total 4500GW about energy. The incentives are driving the development in recent years in energy efficiency: the works on windows, water heaters, solar panels, but also solutions for thermal insulation of walls and roofs are made possible with the most innovative and dynamic sector ' building to continue to work and grow in this time of crisis. Without confirmation by 55% next year, the only segment of the frames will resize to around 1 billion euro (UNCSAAL data).
Not only the way of transparency in payments, reporting and ENEA have ensured on the one hand the emergence of thousands of economic relations in a sector still characterized by the presence of large areas of "gray", accounting for the other steps towards the goal of energy efficiency set by the National Action Plan (42.000gw by 2016). European objectives of sustainability will be very difficult to reach without confirmation and the remodeling of the deduction of 55%.
For these reasons we ask that one of his first acts as Minister of Productive Activities and the extension of benefits by 55%.


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